Some Resources and Nuggets:
- Coursera Courses (Keep Learning - 1000s of Free online courses from top Universities across world )
- Learning How to Learn - Dr. Barbara Oakley (Great at ANY age Moe and I just completed unknowingly)
- Positive Psychology - Dr. Seligman U of Penn (great info in front end, just gets a little academia focused toward middle)
- Insightful Positive Podcasts
- The Good Life Project with Jonathan Fields
- Unlocking Us with Brene Brown
- Books on my nightstand right now
- The Practice by Seth Godin
- Peak by Anders Ericsson
Great Cookbook thank you Tally
- Souping by Alison Velazquez - ideas for different combinations of ingredients to optimize health (ideal if you have a vitamix or bullet)
Bone Broth Benefits-
- improve gut health help leaky gut
- supports our immune health!!!
- good source essential amino acids n collagen
- minerals
Tips on how to make it and what to look for - DON'T THROW THE BONES AWAY!!
If don't want to make your own, what brands we like
***Helpful Sleep n Mental Nugget**** - Before going to sleep list 3 things that went well! Sets you up for good sleep and sets your mind and spirit on a positive path.
- cool & dark (any light that touches body is giving signals to "wake up"
- be more consistent and establish a prep for bed ritual (tea, turning of screens, music, lavendar etc)
- Big yawn in evening is body releasing melatonin - stop and start winding down
Gut Health 90% of seratonin along with other neuro transmitters produced in the gut, healthy gut helps make for a healthy brain
September 14 Call
Notes on Call (some of the nuggets)
Omega 6 & Omega 3
- ratio aim for 4:1 (most diets are 20:1 Omega 6's can be pro inflammatory
- fatty wild caught fish for increasing omega 3's (I have mackeral n sardines in my cabinet- easy on budget and easy prep)
Supplements & Source (always tricky) - Standard Process is a high quality, organic, sustainable, around for 90 years
Key Vitamins
- D - living in Northeast "you will be deficient" more important than just bone health, also acts as hormone effecting most every system
- B - especially B12 as age we absorb less - key in dna, red blood cells, myelin sheath - memory, immune function, preature aging (found in meats -especially organ meats....aka liver)
"Souping" Book by Alison Velazquez - ideas for different combinations of ingredients to optimize health (ideal if you have a vitamix or bullet)
Today we covered a little variety, what a 1 on 1 session is like, resistance stretching with friend with parkinsons as well as how to find/create variety in menu with some simple tricks through ethnic flavor profiles. Also, thanks to Nicole for sharing the deliciousness of a delicata squash and we shared a fun way to use/prep spaghetti squash.
Today we did a metabolic questionnaire to discover our body's basic food ratios. We discussed finding and fine tuning our macro nutrient, understanding what category we may fit into as a starting point and how to best optimize. What are the key signals in our body when we have balanced well or when we haven't.