Characteristics of An Intrinsic Athlete
Essential Nature, innate, motivated from within | A dynamic mover, wholehearted effort, character |
Seeker of optimal health and well being
Continued desire to be dynamic in your body
A drive and desire to continue to grow, learn and improve
It is sustained effort with a growth mindset
It is doing if for the sake of the sport, not the prize.
It is belief in who you can continue to become
Adam S.
18 yr old Lacrosse, addressed major muscle imbalances that kept him from playing, returning him to peak form as well as keeping him at his optimum throughout his HS career and beginning collegiate career
Raul O.
15 yr old Lacrosse, weekly, chronic back injury, reestablishing and integrating hip stability and flexibility to help him move well, reduce pain, return to play and support through the season