Maximize Warm-Up and Recovery
Effective, efficient and sport specific warm-up programs are essential for optimizing athlete’s performance and reducing susceptibility to injury. Working with your individual team and customizing to the specific demands of your sport, time efficient warm up and recovery programs are developed incorporating the most cutting edge flexibility system (Ki-Hara Flexibility Training). This can include pre-season, in-season and off-season programs addressing flexibility, core stability and joint stability. Principles and expert instruction are given to the athletes so proper technique and understanding is assured. Ongoing support as well as individualized work for premiere or injury susceptible athletes can be included to give your athletes the edge.
"We have seen tremendous benefits from implementing the Ki-Hara resistance stretching system into our program. By incorporating into our workouts, we have been able to get additional flexibility improvements and the players have shown a very positive response. I highly recommend this as a component to their flexibility programming."
Jesse Wright, CSCS, PES
Professional Basketball Strength & Conditioning Coach